| - Lew Natanowitsch Lunz, auch Lev Lunc, (russisch Лев Натанович Лунц; * 19. Apriljul. / 2. Mai 1901greg. in St. Petersburg; † 8. Mai 1924 in Hamburg) war ein russischer Schriftsteller und Gründungsmitglied der Petrograder Serapionsbrüder. (de)
- Lev Natanovich Lunts (Лев Натанович Лунц), né le 2 mai 1901 à Saint-Pétersbourg (Empire russe) et mort le 10 mai 1924 à Hambourg (Allemagne), est un écrivain, dramaturge, critique, traducteur et essayiste russe, qui a été membre des Frères Sérapion, un de Leningrad. (fr)
- Lew Natanowicz Łunc (ros. Лев Ната́нович Лунц; ur. 2 maja 1901, zm. 8 maja 1924) – rosyjski prozaik i dramaturg. Należał do ugrupowania literackiego Bracia Serafiońscy (ros. Sierapionowy Bratja). Pisał także scenariusze filmowe oraz artykuły krytyczno- i teoretycznoliterackie. (pl)
- Lev Natanovitsj Loents (Russisch: Лев Натанович Лунц) (Sint-Petersburg, 2 mei [O.S. 19 april] 1901 – Hamburg, 9 mei 1924) was een Joods-Russisch schrijver, dramaturg, scenarioschrijver en literair theoreticus. (nl)
- Лев Ната́нович Лунц (19 апреля (2 мая) 1901, Санкт-Петербург — 10 мая 1924, Гамбург) — прозаик, драматург и публицист из группы «Серапионовы братья». (ru)
- Lev Natanovich Lunts (Russian: Лев Ната́нович Лунц; May 2, 1901 – May 10, 1924) was a Russian playwright, proser and critic. He was a founding member of the Serapion Brothers (1921-1929), a group of young writers who emerged from the literary studio at the House of Arts in Petrograd. Highly active in the years 1919-1924, he completed five plays, two screenplays for the silent film, eight articles on the theater, one novella, a dozen stories and a dozen essays, in addition to learning languages, completing his undergraduate courses and participating in the lively activities of the Serapions. The harsh conditions of the time and his hectic literary activity thoroughly exhausted him and ruined his health, and he sought medical care abroad in June 1923. After several months in a sanatorium in (en)