Durarara!! is a Japanese manga series written by Ryohgo Narita and illustrated by Akiyo Satorigi. Based on the light novel series of the same name, the series follows an eccentric group of citizens residing in Ikebukuro who form various connections through dealings with the local gangs – one of which is the "Dollars," a so-called invisible gang which no one seems to know much about. On top of all of this, the city is enraptured by the urban legend of the "Black Rider," the supposedly headless pilot of a black motorcycle.
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| - List of Durarara!! chapters (en)
- Capitoli di Durarara!! (it)
| - Questa è la lista dei capitoli del manga Durarara!!, scritto da Ryohgo Narita e illustrato da . Il manga è un adattamento della light novel Durarara!! di Ryohgo Narita pubblicata da ASCII Media Works. Il primo volume in Giappone è stato pubblicato il 26 dicembre 2009; la serie è conclusa e conta 4 tankōbon. In Italia sono stati pubblicati da Star Comics sulla collana Point Break a cadenza bimestrale. Il primo volume è stato pubblicato l'8 gennaio 2012, l'ultimo l'11 luglio 2012. (it)
- Durarara!! is a Japanese manga series written by Ryohgo Narita and illustrated by Akiyo Satorigi. Based on the light novel series of the same name, the series follows an eccentric group of citizens residing in Ikebukuro who form various connections through dealings with the local gangs – one of which is the "Dollars," a so-called invisible gang which no one seems to know much about. On top of all of this, the city is enraptured by the urban legend of the "Black Rider," the supposedly headless pilot of a black motorcycle. (en)
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| - *12.
*17. (en)
- *6.
*11. (en)
- *1.
*5. (en)
- *18.
*final. (en)
- * Chapter 12. The Location Of The Chocolate Is Still Unknown
* Chapter 13. That's Kind Of A Shock
* Chapter 14. Well Spotted
* Chapter 15. That's Why I'm Here
* Chapter 16. There's A Girl Waiting For Me
* Final Chapter. He'll Come Back
* Side Story 1. The Truth Of Durarara!! They Get Along
* Side Story 2. The Truth of Durarara!! They Get Along 2 (en)
- * Chapter 5. Heirloom Demon Blade
* Chapter 6. Uncertain Girl
* Chapter 7. Situation Homicidal
* Chapter 8. Right to the Points
* Chapter 9. Blade Flash, Red Shadow
* Chapter 10. Calm. Serene. Insane. (en)
- * Chapter 6. I Would be Honored
* Chapter 7. What Does This Mean?
* Chapter 8. You Might Call it a Grim Reaper
* Chapter 9. Are You Back?
* Chapter 10. Welcome
* Chapter 11. You Should Come Too (en)
- * Chapter 1. I Love a Three-sided Standoff
* Chapter 2. He's Back
* Chapter 3. Stop Right There
* Chapter 4. It's Nothing, Really
* Chapter 5. Are You Psychic? (en)
- * Chapter 11. Brains, Beauty, Blade
* Chapter 12. Sword and Stress
* Chapter 13. Black and Blue and Blade All Over
* Chapter 14. The Ecstasy of Violence
* Chapter 15. Flawless, Unsanguine
* final. The Blue Sky is Already... Dead? (en)
- * Chapter 1. Red Breath. Long Breath
* Chapter 2. Demon Blade. Dog Meat
* Chapter 3. Ikebukuro's Most Dangerous
* Chapter 4. The Ikebukuro Calamity (en)
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has abstract
| - Durarara!! is a Japanese manga series written by Ryohgo Narita and illustrated by Akiyo Satorigi. Based on the light novel series of the same name, the series follows an eccentric group of citizens residing in Ikebukuro who form various connections through dealings with the local gangs – one of which is the "Dollars," a so-called invisible gang which no one seems to know much about. On top of all of this, the city is enraptured by the urban legend of the "Black Rider," the supposedly headless pilot of a black motorcycle. The manga is serialized monthly in Square Enix's shōnen manga magazine Monthly GFantasy since May 2009. Yen Press licensed the manga series at Comic-Con International Con 2011, and began releasing the series in English in North America in January 2012. (en)
- Questa è la lista dei capitoli del manga Durarara!!, scritto da Ryohgo Narita e illustrato da . Il manga è un adattamento della light novel Durarara!! di Ryohgo Narita pubblicata da ASCII Media Works. Il primo volume in Giappone è stato pubblicato il 26 dicembre 2009; la serie è conclusa e conta 4 tankōbon. In Italia sono stati pubblicati da Star Comics sulla collana Point Break a cadenza bimestrale. Il primo volume è stato pubblicato l'8 gennaio 2012, l'ultimo l'11 luglio 2012. (it)
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