Littlest Pet Shop is a 2012 animated television series developed by Tim Cahill and Julie McNally-Cahill. The series is based on Hasbro's Littlest Pet Shop toy line, and features Blythe Baxter (voiced by Ashleigh Ball, with the character based on the doll of the same name) as the main protagonist, as well as other characters who reside in Downtown City, a city modeled after New York City. Along with Blythe is her father, Roger Baxter (voiced by Michael Kopsa), and her employer Mrs. Anna Twombly (voiced by Kathleen Barr) at the nearby pet store, Littlest Pet Shop. Away from home, she maintains several friends at her local high school. As well as the human cast are her seven animal companions, who reside within Littlest Pet Shop during the day, that Blythe unexpectedly gains the ability to co