Little Jimmy, originally titled Jimmy, is a newspaper comic strip created by Jimmy Swinnerton. With a publication history from February 14, 1904, to April 27, 1958, it was one of the first continuing features and one of the longest running.
Little Jimmy, originally titled Jimmy, is a newspaper comic strip created by Jimmy Swinnerton. With a publication history from February 14, 1904, to April 27, 1958, it was one of the first continuing features and one of the longest running. (en)
Little Jimmy är en möjlig kandidat till titeln "världens första västernserie", tecknad av amerikanen (1875–1974). Serien startade 1904 (sv)
Little Jimmy, originally titled Jimmy, is a newspaper comic strip created by Jimmy Swinnerton. With a publication history from February 14, 1904, to April 27, 1958, it was one of the first continuing features and one of the longest running. (en)
Little Jimmy är en möjlig kandidat till titeln "världens första västernserie", tecknad av amerikanen (1875–1974). Serien startade 1904 (sv)