Christopher Lorne Elliott, known by his stage name Lorne Elliott is a Canadian comedian, musician, author, and award-winning playwright.He is best known for his 11 years as host of the CBC Radio program Madly Off in All Directions.
لورني إليوت هو كاتب مسرحي وموسيقي كندي، ولد في 1952. (ar)
Christopher Lorne Elliott, known by his stage name Lorne Elliott is a Canadian comedian, musician, author, and award-winning playwright.He is best known for his 11 years as host of the CBC Radio program Madly Off in All Directions. (en)
لورني إليوت هو كاتب مسرحي وموسيقي كندي، ولد في 1952. (ar)
Christopher Lorne Elliott, known by his stage name Lorne Elliott is a Canadian comedian, musician, author, and award-winning playwright.He is best known for his 11 years as host of the CBC Radio program Madly Off in All Directions. (en)