Love Live! is a Japanese multimedia project created by Hajime Yatate and Sakurako Kimino. Each of the individual titles within the franchise revolve around teenage girls who become "school idols". The first series of the franchise, titled Love Live! School Idol Project, was created in 2010 which consists of 9-members group called μ's (read as Muse). The second group, Aqours (read as Aqua), was created in 2015. A spin-off group, which consists of 12 girls who are rivals to each other, Nijigasaki High School Idol Club, was created in 2018 as part of the franchise's game series Love Live! School Idol Festival All Stars. The fourth group, Liella!, was created in 2020 and consists of 5 first year high school girls, soon expanding to 9 members during the anime's second season.