"Magical Thinking" is the eleventh episode of the fourth season of the anthology television series American Horror Story, which premiered on January 7, 2015 on the cable network FX. It was written by Jennifer Salt and directed by Michael Goi.
"Magical Thinking" is the eleventh episode of the fourth season of the anthology television series American Horror Story, which premiered on January 7, 2015 on the cable network FX. It was written by Jennifer Salt and directed by Michael Goi. (en)
Craoladh an t-aonú heipeasóid déag, "Magical Thinking" den cheathrú sraith American Horror Story ar an 7 Eanáir 2015. Scríobh an eipeasóid seo. D'fhéach 3.11 milliún duine ar an eipeasóid. (ga)
"Magical Thinking" is the eleventh episode of the fourth season of the anthology television series American Horror Story, which premiered on January 7, 2015 on the cable network FX. It was written by Jennifer Salt and directed by Michael Goi. (en)
Craoladh an t-aonú heipeasóid déag, "Magical Thinking" den cheathrú sraith American Horror Story ar an 7 Eanáir 2015. Scríobh an eipeasóid seo. D'fhéach 3.11 milliún duine ar an eipeasóid. (ga)