| - Mateu Guimerà (Agrigent, Sicília, ca. 1377 - Palerm, 7 de gener de 1450) va ser un frare franciscà, un dels principals impulsors de la reforma dels franciscans observants i bisbe d'Agrigent. És venerat com a beat per l'Església catòlica. El seu nom s'ha donat de diverses maneres, degut a males transcripcions: sovint se cita com a Matteo Gallo, Gimarra o Gimena. (ca)
- Mateo de Gimara (Agrigento, c. 1376 - Palermo, 1450), fue un prelado católico que sirvió como obispo de Agrigento (1442–1445). (es)
- Matteo Guimerà, noto anche come Matteo Cimarra o Matteo d'Agrigento (Agrigento, 1376/1377 – Palermo, 7 gennaio 1450), è stato animatore e propagatore del movimento di riforma dell'Osservanza francescana in Sicilia e vescovo di Agrigento dal 1442 al 1445. È stato beatificato per equipollenza da papa Clemente XIII nel 1767. (it)
- Blessed Matteo da Gimara (c. 1376 – 7 January 1450) was an Italian Roman Catholic bishop and a professed member from the Order of Friars Minor; he served as the Bishop of Agrigento from 17 September 1442 until his resignation in mid-1445. He was forced to resign due to clerical opposition to his tenure and rumors spread against him forced this resignation. He was noted for his concern towards the poor as well as for his preaching abilities; he was known to have preached in various Italian cities and had support from Pope Eugene IV who was a benefactor. Matteo also preached across Spain on several occasions being close to the monarch (he is alleged to have Spanish origins) before returning to the Italian peninsula to preach and assume his episcopal duties. (en)
- Mateusz z Agrigento, Brat Mniejszy, wł. Matteo Guimerà, Frate Minore, również Matteo Gim(m)ara (ur. ok. 1376-1377 w Prowincji Agrigento, zm. 1450 w klasztorze w Palermo) – sycylijski franciszkanin obserwant, uczeń św. Bernardyna ze Sieny, biskup Agrigento (wcześniej Grigento) w latach 1442–1445, apostoł Barcelony, reformator Zakonu, błogosławiony Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego. Studia odbył prawdopodobnie w Hiszpanii.Był miłośnikiem i zwolennikiem Najświętszego Imienia Jezus oraz założycielem wielu klasztorów na Sycylii w: Mesynie, Palermo, Nicola, Cammarata, Syrakuzache, Caltagirone i Grigento. (pl)