Moana Lynore Mackey (born 28 February 1974) is a New Zealand politician and has represented the New Zealand Labour Party in the New Zealand Parliament from 2003 until 2014. She has Māori, Irish, Scottish and Spanish ancestry.
Moana Lynore Mackey (nascuda el 28 de febrer de 1974) és una política de Nova Zelanda i ha representat el Partit Laborista de Nova Zelanda al Parlament de Nova Zelanda des del 2003 fins al 2014. Té ascendència maora, irlandesa, escocesa i espanyola. (ca)
Moana Lynore Mackey (born 28 February 1974) is a New Zealand politician and has represented the New Zealand Labour Party in the New Zealand Parliament from 2003 until 2014. She has Māori, Irish, Scottish and Spanish ancestry. (en)