| - Montreal, Maine and Atlantic Railway fue un ferrocarril regional de transportes de cargas de Canadá. Opera 745 millas (1192 km), atendiendo a clientes en Maine, Vermont, Quebec y Nuevo Brunswick. (es)
- La Montreal, Maine & Atlantic (MMA) est une ancienne compagnie de chemin de fer qui reliait Montréal, au Québec, à Bangor, au Maine, et Edmundston, au Nouveau-Brunswick. Elle était la propriété de Rail World Inc. Depuis sa faillite en 2013, ce sont les Chemins de fer du Centre du Maine et du Québec qui prirent la suite des opérations. (fr)
- Die Central Maine and Québec Railway (AAR Reporting mark: CMQR) ist eine US-amerikanische regionale Eisenbahngesellschaft in Maine, Vermont und Québec. In Kanada firmiert das Unternehmen unter Central Maine and Québec Canada Inc. Der Sitz des Unternehmens befindet sich in Hermon (Maine). Das Streckennetz umfasst rund 774 Kilometer. (de)
- The Montreal, Maine and Atlantic Railway (reporting mark MMA) was a Class II freight railroad that operated in the U.S. states of Maine and Vermont and the Canadian province of Quebec between 2002 and 2014. It was headquartered in Hermon, Maine. Its Canadian subsidiary was named the Montreal, Maine and Atlantic Canada Company with offices in Farnham, Quebec. With the exception of an independently owned low-speed tourist train (the Orford Express) on one small segment between Magog and Sherbrooke, there was no passenger service on the MMA system. (en)
- Montreal, Maine and Atlantic Railway foi uma companhia ferroviária de transportes de cargas do Canadá e também dos Estados Unidos. Ela ligava Montreal, no Quebec a Bangor, no estado de Maine e Edmundston na província canadiana de Novo Brunswick. Ele atravessa a fronteira Canadá-Estados Unidos entre o Quebeque e o estado do Maine. É propriedade da . No Canadá é um caminho de ferro local com jurisdição estatal. (pt)