Mr. Smith Goes to Washington is an American sitcom that aired on ABC starring Fess Parker. The series, which aired from October 1962 to March 1963, was based on the 1939 Frank Capra film of the same name, starring James Stewart in the title role.
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington is an American sitcom that aired on ABC starring Fess Parker. The series, which aired from October 1962 to March 1963, was based on the 1939 Frank Capra film of the same name, starring James Stewart in the title role. (en)
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington è una serie televisiva statunitense in 25 episodi trasmessi per la prima volta nel corso di una sola stagione dal 1962 al 1963. È una sitcom ambientata a Washington e incentrata sulle vicende del senatore Eugene Smith (interpretato da Fess Parker). È basata sul film Mr. Smith va a Washington del 1939. (it)