Murder 2 is a 2011 Indian Hindi-language psychological thriller film and the second installment in the Murder film series. A quasi-sequel to the 2004 film, Murder, it stars Emraan Hashmi, Jacqueline Fernandez and Prashant Narayanan, and features Sulagna Panigrahi as a debutant. Directed by Mohit Suri and produced by Mukesh Bhatt, the film released on 8 July 2011. The theatrical trailer of the film was revealed on 1 June 2011 and also in cinemas with Ready. It is one of the highest grossing Bollywood films of 2011. The film is alleged to be based on the 2008 South Korean film The Chaser, though Bhatt denied this and said that it was inspired from the 2006 Nithari killings in Noida. The film is remembered for its erotic scenes.