Olivia Lum Ooi Lin is a Singaporean businesswoman. She is best known for being the founder, group chief executive officer, and president of the Singapore-based Hyflux Group. She also heads the Research and Development function.
Olivia Lum Ooi Lin és una dona de negocis de Singapur. És coneguda per ser la fundadora, directora executiva i presidenta del grup Hyflux amb seu a Singapur. També n'encapçala el departament de Recerca i Desenvolupament. (ca)
Olivia Lumová (narozena v Malajsii) je zakladatelka a předsedkyně singapurské společnosti . (cs)
Olivia Lum Ooi Lin is a Singaporean businesswoman. She is best known for being the founder, group chief executive officer, and president of the Singapore-based Hyflux Group. She also heads the Research and Development function. (en)
Olivia Lum (en mandarin : 林爱莲), née à en Malaisie, est la fondatrice, présidente et CEO de .
* Portail des entreprises
* Portail des femmes et du féminisme
* Portail de la Malaisie (fr)