One Born Every Minute is a British observational documentary series which shows activities taking place in the labour ward. The first series aired on Channel 4 in 2010, the second in 2011. Series 7 made its debut on 10 March 2015.
One Born Every Minute is a British observational documentary series which shows activities taking place in the labour ward. The first series aired on Channel 4 in 2010, the second in 2011. Series 7 made its debut on 10 March 2015. (en)
60 Baby's per Uur (Engels: One Born Every Minute) is een Britse documentaire en realitysoap over het leven in een kraamkliniek. In het Verenigd Koninkrijk wordt de documentaire uitgezonden op Channel 4, in Nederland werd 60 Baby's per Uur uitgezonden op SBS6. (nl)
One Born Every Minute is a British observational documentary series which shows activities taking place in the labour ward. The first series aired on Channel 4 in 2010, the second in 2011. Series 7 made its debut on 10 March 2015. (en)
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