The Pacific Association of Professional Baseball Clubs was an independent baseball league based in Northern California. The league was founded in 2013 by four former North American League teams.
The Pacific Association of Professional Baseball Clubs was an independent baseball league based in Northern California. The league was founded in 2013 by four former North American League teams. (en)
La Pacific Association of Professional Baseball Clubs, ou plus simplement la Pacific Association, était une ligue indépendante de baseball fondée en 2013 dont les activités se déroulaient en Californie du Nord, aux États-Unis. La ligue comptait de plus deux clubs à Hawaï à sa première année. Le commissaire de la ligue était , un ancien joueur de la Ligue majeure de baseball. (fr)
パシフィック・アソシエーション・オブ・プロフェッショナル・ベースボール・リーグ(Pacific Association of Professional Baseball League)は、アメリカ合衆国で活動していたプロ野球の独立リーグ。 (ja)
퍼시픽 어소시에이션(Pacific Association of Professional Baseball Clubsague)는 2013년 창설된 미국 독립 리그이다. 총 5팀으로 이루어져 있다. (ko)