| - Perceptive Pixel, Inc. es una división de la corporación Microsoft, enfocada a la búsqueda e investigación del desarrollo de las interfaces de pantallas multitáctil. Esta tecnología es usada para la Radiodifusión, Diseño industrial, Imagen médica, Sistema de información geográfica, Comercialización de energías renovables y para el Ejército. (es)
- Perceptive Pixel è una società fondata da nel 2006.È nata dall'istituto di scienze matematiche per sviluppare e mettere sul mercato i più avanzati sistemi multi-touch (schermi sensibili al tatto in più punti) al mondo.Altri progetti simili sono stati pensati dalla Apple con iPhone e con iPod touch, e in seguito al successo riscattato da Apple, anche da Microsoft con Microsoft Surface nel 2007. (it)
- 感知像素(Perceptive Pixel),是微软旗下的一个从事多点触摸屏技术的研发和产品的子公司。它的技术广泛是用于电视广播、军事防卫、地理信息系统、可再生能源商业化、工业设计、医学成像。 (zh)
- Perceptive Pixel is a division of Microsoft specializing in research, development and production of multi-touch interfaces. Its technology is used in fields including broadcast, defense, geo-intelligence, energy exploration, industrial design and medical imaging. On July 9, 2012, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer announced that they would acquire Perceptive Pixel Inc. in a transaction that closed three weeks later on July 31. At that year's WPC conference, Ballmer stated the company hoped to use its newly acquired technology to enhance its Windows 8 operating system. (en)