"Person to Person" is the series finale of the American television drama series Mad Men and the 92nd episode of the series overall. The episode was written and directed by series creator Matthew Weiner, and originally aired on AMC on May 17, 2015.
"Person to Person" is the series finale of the American television drama series Mad Men and the 92nd episode of the series overall. The episode was written and directed by series creator Matthew Weiner, and originally aired on AMC on May 17, 2015. (en)
* Alison Brie as Trudy Campbell
* Julia Ormond as Marie Calvet
*Bruce Greenwood as Richard
*Caity Lotz as Stephanie
*Christine Estabrook as Gail Holloway
*Amy Ferguson as Maureen
*Fiona Gubelmann as Eve
*Spencer Treat Clark as Kelly
*Anna Osceola as Clementine
*Brett Gelman as Daniel
*Jeffrey Vincent Parise as Vince
*Helen Slater as Sheila
*Evan Arnold as Leonard (en)
"Person to Person" is the series finale of the American television drama series Mad Men and the 92nd episode of the series overall. The episode was written and directed by series creator Matthew Weiner, and originally aired on AMC on May 17, 2015. (en)