Prem Prakash Modi (born 17 July 1968) is an Indian film director, writer and actor. Modi made his debut as a director in 2013 with a Bengali feature film Arjun – Kalimpong E Sitaharan starring Sabyasachi Chakrabarty, Om, Manoj Mitra, Churni Ganguly and Biswajit Chakrabarty, based on Samaresh Majumdar's novel Khunkharapi and Kalimpong e Sitaharan. His next directorial venture was Panchlait (2017), which was well received by the audiences. He has worked as an Assistant Director for noted directors such as Ranjit Kapoor, Gul Bahar Singh, Aparna Sen, Anjan Dutt, Anjan Das, Suman Mukhopadhyay and others since 1997.