| - Singapore Technologies Kinetics est le nom actuel (depuis l'an 2000 environ) de Chartered Industries of Singapore. Cette singapourienne fut fondée dans les années 1960 pour produire des M16A1 sous licence Colt. Elle assura aussi la sous-traitance de l'AR-18. Son expansion passa ensuite par la création des SAR 80 puis SR 88. Vint ensuite l'Ultimax 100 qui s'exporta bien. La STK revalorisa les AMX-13 avant de fabriquer le . (fr)
- ST Engineering Land Systems Ltd (STELS), doing business as ST Kinetics, is a strategic business area of ST Engineering and handles land systems and specialty vehicles. In 2000, ST Engineering acquired the Chartered Industries of Singapore (CIS) through ST Automotive, a subsidiary of ST Engineering, and the new company was named ST Kinetics. Given the initial charter of CIS to support the local defence requirements, the main defence customer of ST Kinetics remains as the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF). (en)
- Singapore Technologies Kinetics Ltd (ST Kinetics), em Singapura, é uma área de negócios estratégicos da e lida com sistemas de terra e veículos especiais. Em 2000, ST Engineering adquiriu a Chartered Industries of Singapore (CIS) através da ST Automotive, uma subsidiária da ST Engineering, e e o novo nome da companhia foi ST Kinetics. Dado o estatuto inicial da CIS para apoiar os requisitos de defesa local, o principal cliente de defesa da ST Kinetics permanece como Forças Armadas de Singapura (SAF). (pt)