| - Samoo Architects & Engineers est un cabinet d'architecture basé à Séoul, filiale de Samsung C&T. La société a conçu un certain nombre de gratte-ciel en Corée du Sud à Séoul dont le complexe Tower Palace (avec la Tower Palace 3 Tower G, le Tower Palace 1 Tower B, le Tower Palace 2 Tower E), la Jong-ro Tower, la , l', les . L'entreprise est fondée en octobre 1976 sous le nom de « Samwoo Architecture Lab ». Elle est rachetée en août 2010 par Samsung C&T, filiale du Groupe Samsung. (fr)
- Samoo Architects & Engineers (SAMOO), headquartered in Seoul, South Korea, is a multinational professional services firm which provides architectural design, engineering, interior design, urban design, sustainable design, construction management, and building information modeling services. Currently the firm has over 760 employees based in offices located in Seoul, South Korea, New York, NY, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Doha, Qatar, Shanghai, China, Hanoi, Vietnam, Austin, TX, U.S.A. (en)
- 삼우종합건축사사무소는 삼성물산의 자회사로, 대한민국 서울특별시에 본사를 두고 있는 이다. 를 비롯해 도시설계, , 엔지니어링, CM(건설사업관리) 분야의 업무를 수행한다. (ko)