| - Het Tweede Stadhouderloze Tijdperk is een periode in de Nederlandse geschiedenis waarin verschillende gewesten van de Verenigde Provinciën met verscheidene tijdsduren geen stadhouder aan het hoofd van het bestuur hadden staan. Het tijdperk duurde voor Holland, Zeeland, Utrecht, en Overijssel van 1702 tot 1747, voor Gelre en Drenthe van 1702 tot 1722, voor Groningen (Stad en Lande) van 1711 tot 1718, en voor Friesland van 14 juli tot 1 september 1711. (nl)
- Il secondo periodo di vacanza dello statolderato (in olandese Tweede Stadhouderloze Tijdperk) è il periodo nella storia della Repubblica delle Sette Province Unite compreso tra la morte di Guglielmo III (1702) e l'insediamento del primo statolder ereditario Guglielmo IV di Orange-Nassau (1748), nel quale l'ufficio dello Statolder è mancato nelle province della repubblica. Le province di Frisia, Groninga, Gheldria e il paese di Drenthe, ebbero un periodo di vacanza più ridotto. (it)
- The Second Stadtholderless Period or Era (Dutch: Tweede Stadhouderloze Tijdperk) is the designation in Dutch historiography of the period between the death of stadtholder William III on March 19, 1702, and the appointment of William IV as stadtholder and captain general in all provinces of the Dutch Republic on May 2, 1747. During this period the office of stadtholder was left vacant in the provinces of Holland, Zeeland, and Utrecht, though in other provinces that office was filled by members of the House of Nassau-Dietz (later called Orange-Nassau) during various periods. During the period the Republic lost its status as a great power and its primacy in world trade. Though its economy declined considerably, causing deindustralization and deurbanization in the maritime provinces, a rentier (en)