Sister Angelica (Spanish: Sor Angélica) is a 1954 Spanish drama film directed by Joaquín Luis Romero Marchent and starring Tilda Thamar, Marion Mitchell and Barta Barri. The film's sets were designed by Miguel Lluch.
Sister Angelica (Spanish: Sor Angélica) is a 1954 Spanish drama film directed by Joaquín Luis Romero Marchent and starring Tilda Thamar, Marion Mitchell and Barta Barri. The film's sets were designed by Miguel Lluch. (en)
Sister Angelica (Spanish: Sor Angélica) is a 1954 Spanish drama film directed by Joaquín Luis Romero Marchent and starring Tilda Thamar, Marion Mitchell and Barta Barri. The film's sets were designed by Miguel Lluch. (en)