| - Spirited is an Australian television supernatural comedy-drama series made for subscription television channel W that aired for two seasons, 2010 and 2011. The series stars Claudia Karvan as dentist Suzy Darling, who walks away from a loveless marriage and into an old apartment block that is inhabited by the ghost of a 1980s English rock star, Henry Mallet, played by Matt King. Suzy had been married to Steve Darling, played by Rodger Corser, for 15 years, and they have two children, Elvis, 13, played by Louis Fowler, and Verity, 8, played by Charlie Hancock. Belinda Bromilow plays Suzy's sister Jonquil. (en)
- Spirited es un drama de televisión australiano, transmitida por la cadena W del 5 de agosto del 2010 hasta el 21 de septiembre de 2011. La serie se centró en la vida de la dentista Suzy Darling, quien se aleja de su matrimonio sin amor con Steve Darling y llega a un antiguo apartamento que está habitado por el fantasma de una estrella de rock inglés de 1980, Henry Mallet. Producida por John Edwards, Claudia Karvan y Jacqeline Perske, Spirited contó con actores y actrices invitados como Jacek Koman, Angus Sampson, Damon Gameau, Dan Ewing, Paul Gleeson, Charlie-Rose Maclennan, entre otros... (es)