Star Académie is a Canadian reality television series that started in 2003, aimed primarily at the Quebec television audience, featuring an array of young women and men under the age of 30 competing for the title of the next solo singing sensation. It is the French-Canadian adaptation of the French television show Star Academy produced by Dutch company Endemol, based on the Spanish format called Operación Triunfo. There have been seasons in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2009, and 2012. In June 2019, TVA stated that a reboot for Star Académie is possible. Two months later, the network announced that the reboot is set for early 2021. On September 22, 2020, it was announced that singer Patrice Michaud would take over Julie Snyder as host for the 2021 season. In June 2021, Michaud stated that he would not