Starparade is a West German music television programme, which aired on ZDF from March 14, 1968, to June 5, 1980, and was hosted by , along with James Last and his orchestra who founded his world-wide success on the show.
Die Starparade war eine Musiksendung des ZDF mit bis zu 28 Millionen Zuschauern. An dem großen Erfolg hatten ihren Anteil Moderator Rainer Holbe, der die Sendungen präsentierte, das Orchester James Last, die Ballett-Choreografie sowie Ewald Burike, der als Regisseur für aufwändige Bildeffekte sorgte. Das Orchester James Last hatte in der Starparade seinen ersten Fernsehauftritt. (de)
Starparade is a West German music television programme, which aired on ZDF from March 14, 1968, to June 5, 1980, and was hosted by , along with James Last and his orchestra who founded his world-wide success on the show. (en)