| - Ο Σούπο Β΄, Suppo II (επίσης Suppo III στη γενεαλογία του Οίκου του), ιταλικά: Suppone (απεβ. π. το 879) από τον Οίκο των Σουπονιδών ήταν δούκας του Σπολέτo από το 871 μέχρι το τέλος του. (el)
- Suppo III de Spolète (né à une date inconnue et mort v. 879) est un duc italien du IXe siècle, issu de la famille de Supponides. (fr)
- Suppone III (... – 879 circa) fu duca di Spoleto dall'871 all'876, archiministro e consigliere dell'imperatore Ludovico II il Giovane, fu pertanto la figura più potente del regno d'Italia dopo il sovrano. (it)
- Суппо (Суппон) III (лат. Suppo III, лат. Suppone III; ум. около 878/879) — герцог Сполето (Суппо II) и (871—876), архиканцлер императора Людовика II. (ru)
- Суппо II, (†879), герцог Сполетський, міністр і радник імператора Священної Римської імперії Людовика II, родич його дружини . (uk)
- Suppo II (also Suppo III in the familial genealogy) (Italian: Suppone) (died circa 879) was the Duke of Spoleto from 871 until his death. He was the archiminister (archminister) and consiliarius (counsellor) of the Emperor Louis II. In 869-870 he travelled to Constantinople as imperial missus together with Anastasius the Librarian, to negotiate a peace with the Byzantines. Throughout Louis's reign he was the most powerful lay magnate in Italy. (en)