has abstract
| - The Tashkent State University of Economics (Uzbek: Toshkent Davlat Iqtisodiyot Universiteti , Тошкент Давлат Иқтисодиёт Университети) is one of the largest higher education establishments in the sphere of economics in Uzbekistan and in Central Asia. It is the former Tashkent Institute of Economics. The university includes:
* 5 faculties
* Master's Degree Department
* 28 academic departments
* Second Degree Department The Tashkent State University of Economics has roughly 10,000 students and is one of the largest economic universities in Central Asia. It is divided into functional institutes that strive to provide education regarding the economics of Uzbekistan. TSEU was the first international American-style business school in Uzbekistan and has gained note by building relationships with notable universities in the US, Great Britain, and Germany. It maintains the largest university library in Central Asia.There function the Institute of economics, business, and professional development and retraining of personnel, specialized higher business school, republican economic lyceum, economic gymnasium, various scientific-research institutes, consulting and training centers at the University. All these structures ensure the continual economic education. TSUE serves as the base university on economic education in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The university employs over 600 faculty staff, including 3 academicians of , one academician of , one academician of , 2 academicians and 3 corresponding members of , over 50 Doctors of Science, roughly 300 Doctors of Phylosophy. (en)
- Ташкентский государственный экономический университет (ТГЭУ) (узб. Toshkent davlat iqtisodiyot universiteti; Тошкент давлат иқтисодиёт университети) — один из крупнейших экономических вузов в Республике Узбекистан и в Средней Азии. В состав университета входят 5 факультетов, кафедры, научно-исследовательские центры, республиканский экономический лицей, экономическая гимназия. Среди выпускников университета первый Президент Республики Узбекистан Ислам Каримов. (ru)