The Boy from Indiana is a 1950 American sports drama film directed by John Rawlins and starring Lon McCallister, Billie Burke and George Cleveland. The film's sets were designed by the art director Lucius O. Croxton.
The Boy from Indiana adalah sebuah film drama olahraga Amerika Serikat tahun 1950 garapan John Rawlins dan menampilkan , Billie Burke dan George Cleveland. Set film tersebut dirancang oleh . (in)
The Boy from Indiana is a 1950 American sports drama film directed by John Rawlins and starring Lon McCallister, Billie Burke and George Cleveland. The film's sets were designed by the art director Lucius O. Croxton. (en)
The Boy from Indiana adalah sebuah film drama olahraga Amerika Serikat tahun 1950 garapan John Rawlins dan menampilkan , Billie Burke dan George Cleveland. Set film tersebut dirancang oleh . (in)
The Boy from Indiana is a 1950 American sports drama film directed by John Rawlins and starring Lon McCallister, Billie Burke and George Cleveland. The film's sets were designed by the art director Lucius O. Croxton. (en)