The Chairman (or alternatively The Most Dangerous Man in the World) is a 1969 spy film starring Gregory Peck. It was directed by J. Lee Thompson. The screenplay was by Ben Maddow based on a novel by Jay Richard Kennedy.
The Chairman és una pel·lícula d'espionatge estatunidenca dirigida per J. Lee Thompson, estrenada l'any 1969, amb Gregory Peck. (ca)
L'Homme le plus dangereux du monde (The Chairman) est un film d'espionnage américain réalisé par J. Lee Thompson, sorti en 1969, avec Gregory Peck. (fr)
The Chairman (or alternatively The Most Dangerous Man in the World) is a 1969 spy film starring Gregory Peck. It was directed by J. Lee Thompson. The screenplay was by Ben Maddow based on a novel by Jay Richard Kennedy. (en)
La lunga ombra gialla (The Chairman) è un film del 1969 diretto da J. Lee Thompson. (it)
The Chairman is een Amerikaans-Britse thriller uit 1969 onder regie van J. Lee Thompson. Destijds werd de film in Nederland uitgebracht onder de titel De lange gele schaduw. (nl)
The Chairman (bra: A Grande Ameaça) é um filme britano-estadunidense de 1969, dos gêneros suspense, espionagem e drama de ação, dirigido por J. Lee Thompson, com roteiro de baseado no romance de . A trama se passa no contexto da Guerra Fria, com os norte-americanos e britânicos recebendo auxílio dos soviéticos contra a China de Mao Tsé-tung, a quem chamam de "O homem mais perigoso do mundo". (pt)