The Dragon of Pendragon Castle is a 1950 English family film directed and produced by John Baxter.The film features Leslie Bradley, David Hannaford, Lily Lapidus and Hubert Leslie in the lead roles.
Le Manoir du dragon (The Dragon of Pendragon Castle) est un moyen métrage britannique réalisé par John Baxter en 1949 et sorti en 1950. (fr)
The Dragon of Pendragon Castle is a 1950 English family film directed and produced by John Baxter.The film features Leslie Bradley, David Hannaford, Lily Lapidus and Hubert Leslie in the lead roles. (en)
Le Manoir du dragon (The Dragon of Pendragon Castle) est un moyen métrage britannique réalisé par John Baxter en 1949 et sorti en 1950. (fr)
The Dragon of Pendragon Castle is a 1950 English family film directed and produced by John Baxter.The film features Leslie Bradley, David Hannaford, Lily Lapidus and Hubert Leslie in the lead roles. (en)