The Girl on the Pier is a 1953 British crime film produced by John Temple-Smith, directed by Lance Comfort and starring Veronica Hurst, Ron Randell, Brian Roper, Campbell Singer and Anthony Valentine.
The Girl on the Pier is a 1953 British crime film produced by John Temple-Smith, directed by Lance Comfort and starring Veronica Hurst, Ron Randell, Brian Roper, Campbell Singer and Anthony Valentine. (en)
The Girl on the Pier é um filme policial britânico de 1953, produzido por John Temple-Smith, dirigido por e estrelado por , Ron Randell, , e . (pt)
The Girl on the Pier is a 1953 British crime film produced by John Temple-Smith, directed by Lance Comfort and starring Veronica Hurst, Ron Randell, Brian Roper, Campbell Singer and Anthony Valentine. (en)
The Girl on the Pier é um filme policial britânico de 1953, produzido por John Temple-Smith, dirigido por e estrelado por , Ron Randell, , e . (pt)