"The House of Quark" is the 49th episode of the science fiction television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, the third episode of the third season. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures on the space station Deep Space Nine near the planet Bajor. Many episodes of the series focus on alien races such as the Ferengi, a species whose culture is dedicated to the pursuit of profit, and the Klingons, whose warrior culture emphasizes honor. In this episode, the Ferengi bartender Quark accidentally causes the death of a drunk Klingon, and ends up forcibly married to the Klingon's widow.
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| - Quarkův dům (cs)
- The House of Quark (en)
| - „Quarkův dům“ (v originále „The House of Quark“) je v pořadí třetí epizoda třetí sezóny seriálu Star Trek: Stanice Deep Space Nine. (cs)
- "The House of Quark" is the 49th episode of the science fiction television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, the third episode of the third season. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures on the space station Deep Space Nine near the planet Bajor. Many episodes of the series focus on alien races such as the Ferengi, a species whose culture is dedicated to the pursuit of profit, and the Klingons, whose warrior culture emphasizes honor. In this episode, the Ferengi bartender Quark accidentally causes the death of a drunk Klingon, and ends up forcibly married to the Klingon's widow. (en)
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episode list
| - List of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episodes (en)
| - * Max Grodénchik as Rom
* Mary Kay Adams as Grilka
* Robert O'Reilly as Gowron
* Rosalind Chao as Keiko
* Carlos Carrasco as D'Ghor
* Joseph Ruskin as Tumek (en)
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season article
| - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (en)
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has abstract
| - „Quarkův dům“ (v originále „The House of Quark“) je v pořadí třetí epizoda třetí sezóny seriálu Star Trek: Stanice Deep Space Nine. (cs)
- "The House of Quark" is the 49th episode of the science fiction television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, the third episode of the third season. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures on the space station Deep Space Nine near the planet Bajor. Many episodes of the series focus on alien races such as the Ferengi, a species whose culture is dedicated to the pursuit of profit, and the Klingons, whose warrior culture emphasizes honor. In this episode, the Ferengi bartender Quark accidentally causes the death of a drunk Klingon, and ends up forcibly married to the Klingon's widow. This episode first aired on television on October 10, 1994. (en)
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