| - The Nation and Athenaeum, ou simplement The Nation, est un hebdomadaire politique britannique au point de vue libéral et travailliste fondé en 1921 après la fusion de l'Athenaeum, revue littéraire publiée à Londres depuis 1828 et de la Nation, petite revue récente dirigée par . La revue est achetée en 1923 par un groupe mené par l'économiste John Maynard Keynes qui dès lors fait paraître de nombreux articles. En 1931, la revue est absorbée par l'hebdomadaire travailliste le New Statesman, qui prend le nom du New Statesman and Nation jusqu'en 1964. (fr)
- The Nation and Athenaeum, or simply The Nation, was a United Kingdom political weekly newspaper with a Liberal/Labour viewpoint. It was formed in 1921 from the merger of the Athenaeum, a literary magazine published in London since 1828, and the smaller and newer Nation, edited by Henry William Massingham. The enterprise was purchased by a group led by the economist John Maynard Keynes in 1923. From then on, it carried numerous articles by Keynes. In 1931, it was absorbed into the Labour weekly the New Statesman, which was known as the New Statesman and Nation until 1964. (en)
- The Nation and Athenaeum, ou simplesmente The Nation, era um jornal semanal político do Reino Unido com um ponto de vista Liberal / Trabalhista. Foi formada em 1921 a partir da fusão da Athenaeum, uma revista literária publicada em Londres desde 1828, e da menor e mais recente Nation, editada por Henry William Massingham. A empresa foi comprada por um grupo liderado pelo economista John Maynard Keynes em 1923. A partir de então, passou a ter inúmeros artigos de Keynes. (pt)
has abstract
| - The Nation and Athenaeum, ou simplement The Nation, est un hebdomadaire politique britannique au point de vue libéral et travailliste fondé en 1921 après la fusion de l'Athenaeum, revue littéraire publiée à Londres depuis 1828 et de la Nation, petite revue récente dirigée par . La revue est achetée en 1923 par un groupe mené par l'économiste John Maynard Keynes qui dès lors fait paraître de nombreux articles. De 1923 à 1930, son rédacteur en chef est l'économiste libéral et le responsable de la section littéraire est Leonard Woolf qui donne un coup de pouce à de jeunes auteurs sans le sou, dont Robert Graves et E. M. Forster qu'il connaît grâce à la Hogarth Press et à qui il commande recensions et articles; il publie certains autres auteurs, comme Edwin Muir, à la Hogarth Press, après avoir fait leur connaissance à la revue. Parmi les plumes, l'on peut distinguer , H. E. Bates, , J. A. Hobson, Harold Laski, David Garnett, Aldous Huxley (sous le pseudonyme d'Autolux), Charlotte Mew, Edith Sitwell, T. S. Eliot, Virginia Woolf et G. D. H. Cole. En 1931, la revue est absorbée par l'hebdomadaire travailliste le New Statesman, qui prend le nom du New Statesman and Nation jusqu'en 1964. (fr)
- The Nation and Athenaeum, or simply The Nation, was a United Kingdom political weekly newspaper with a Liberal/Labour viewpoint. It was formed in 1921 from the merger of the Athenaeum, a literary magazine published in London since 1828, and the smaller and newer Nation, edited by Henry William Massingham. The enterprise was purchased by a group led by the economist John Maynard Keynes in 1923. From then on, it carried numerous articles by Keynes. From 1923 to 1930, the editor was Liberal economist Hubert Douglas Henderson, and the literary editor was Leonard Woolf, who would help impecunious young authors, including Robert Graves and E. M. Forster he knew through the Hogarth Press by commissioning them to write reviews and articles; there were others, such as Edwin Muir who had come to his attention at the Nation and whose work he would publish at Hogarth. Other contributors included Edmund Blunden, H. E. Bates, H. N. Brailsford, J. A. Hobson, Harold Laski, David Garnett, Aldous Huxley (under the pseudonym "Autolux"), Charlotte Mew, Edith Sitwell, T.S. Eliot, Virginia Woolf, and G. D. H. Cole. In 1931, it was absorbed into the Labour weekly the New Statesman, which was known as the New Statesman and Nation until 1964. (en)
- The Nation and Athenaeum, ou simplesmente The Nation, era um jornal semanal político do Reino Unido com um ponto de vista Liberal / Trabalhista. Foi formada em 1921 a partir da fusão da Athenaeum, uma revista literária publicada em Londres desde 1828, e da menor e mais recente Nation, editada por Henry William Massingham. A empresa foi comprada por um grupo liderado pelo economista John Maynard Keynes em 1923. A partir de então, passou a ter inúmeros artigos de Keynes. De 1923 a 1930, o editor era o economista liberal Hubert Douglas Henderson, e o editor literário era Leonard Woolf, que ajudaria jovens autores sem dinheiro, incluindo Robert Graves e E. M. Forster que ele conhecia através da Hogarth Press, encomendando-lhes para escrever resenhas e artigos; havia outros, como Edwin Muir, que chamaram sua atenção no The Nation e cujo trabalho ele publicaria em Hogarth. Outros colaboradores incluíram Edmund Blunden, , , , Harold Laski, David Garnett, Aldous Huxley (sob o pseudônimo de "Autolux"), Charlotte Mew, Edith Sitwell, T.S. Eliot, Virginia Woolf, e G. D. H. Cole. Em 1931, foi absorvido pelo semanário trabalhista The New Statesman, que ficou conhecido como New Statesman and Nation até 1964. (pt)