| - La storia di Oblio nel paese degli uomini con la testa a punta (The Point!) è una film d'animazione statunitense del 1971, diretto da Fred Wolf ed ideato da Harry Nilsson. Tratta di un ragazzino chiamato Oblio, unica persona nata con la testa rotonda nel Villaggio a Punta, dove, per legge, tutto e tutti devono avere una punta. Da questo tema sono stati tratti, oltre al film di animazione, un album ed una commedia musicale, ognuno con le canzoni e le musiche scritte appositamente da Nilsson. (it)
- The Point! ist ein 1971 veröffentlichtes Konzeptalbum und ein Trickfilm nach einer Idee des amerikanischen Songwriters Harry Nilsson. Im Stil eines Märchens wird die Geschichte des Jungen Oblio erzählt, der als einziger Rundkopf in einem Dorf voller Spitzköpfe ist, in deren Gesellschaft von Gesetzes wegen alles und absolut alles auf einen "Punkt" zulaufen muss. Im Englischen spielt Nilsson mit der Doppelbedeutung von "the point", was Punkt oder Spitze, aber auch Sinn ("have a point") bedeuten kann. Seine Inspiration zu dem Album beschrieb er wie folgt: "I was on acid and I looked at the trees and I realized that they all came to points, and the little branches came to points, and the houses came to point. I thought, Oh! Everything has a point, and if it doesn't, then there's a point to it" (de)
- The Point! is the sixth studio album by American songwriter and musician Harry Nilsson, released in late 1970. It was accompanied by an animated film adaptation directed by Fred Wolf, which aired in early February 1971 on the ABC-TV network. Its lead single, "Me and My Arrow", peaked at number 34 on the Billboard Hot 100. (en)