The Wright Way is a British television sitcom written by Ben Elton which aired on BBC One from 23 April to 28 May 2013. It concerns a health and safety manager, his staff and his family. Widely panned by critics, it was cancelled after one series.
The Wright Way is a British television sitcom written by Ben Elton which aired on BBC One from 23 April to 28 May 2013. It concerns a health and safety manager, his staff and his family. Widely panned by critics, it was cancelled after one series. (en)
The Wright Way is een Britse sitcom waarvan de eerste aflevering werd uitgezonden op 23 april 2013 op BBC One. De serie is bedacht en geschreven door Ben Elton en volgt Gerald Wright als manager van de afdeling veiligheid en gezondheid. (nl)