Tomboy is an educational Canadian short animation film that debuted in 2009 on CBC. It is a 14-minute 2D animated video/movie that follows a day in the life of an elementary school Latina Canadian girl named Alex, as she maneuvers her way through the obstacles of being a gender neutral tomboy who wears unisex clothes and has short hair. This film explores issues of gender expression, bullying and diversity, bringing light to the issues that surround children, through the choices they make, and the emotional repercussions that follow. Tomboy is based on the book Are You a Boy or a Girl?, by author Karleen Pendleton Jiménez, which was a finalist for the 2001 Lambda Literary Awards.
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| - Tomboy is an educational Canadian short animation film that debuted in 2009 on CBC. It is a 14-minute 2D animated video/movie that follows a day in the life of an elementary school Latina Canadian girl named Alex, as she maneuvers her way through the obstacles of being a gender neutral tomboy who wears unisex clothes and has short hair. This film explores issues of gender expression, bullying and diversity, bringing light to the issues that surround children, through the choices they make, and the emotional repercussions that follow. Tomboy is based on the book Are You a Boy or a Girl?, by author Karleen Pendleton Jiménez, which was a finalist for the 2001 Lambda Literary Awards. (en)
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| - Wanda Vanderstoop, V Tape (en)
| - Animation Short, Narrative Fiction, 2D (en)
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has abstract
| - Tomboy is an educational Canadian short animation film that debuted in 2009 on CBC. It is a 14-minute 2D animated video/movie that follows a day in the life of an elementary school Latina Canadian girl named Alex, as she maneuvers her way through the obstacles of being a gender neutral tomboy who wears unisex clothes and has short hair. This film explores issues of gender expression, bullying and diversity, bringing light to the issues that surround children, through the choices they make, and the emotional repercussions that follow. Tomboy is based on the book Are You a Boy or a Girl?, by author Karleen Pendleton Jiménez, which was a finalist for the 2001 Lambda Literary Awards. (en)
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