The Qosmio series (dynabook Qosmio in Japan) was Toshiba's consumer-marketed line of high performance desktop replacement laptops. The laptop was first released on July 25, 2004 as the E15-AV101 with a 1.7 GHz Intel Pentium M CPU, 512 megabytes of DDR SDRAM, and a 15-inch XGA 1,024 by 768 screen. Toshiba's most powerful laptop has undergone many revisions, with focus shifting from high-end multimedia functionality to heavy gaming. The current line, the X70 series, was released in 2013, featuring an Intel Core i7 processor with up to 32 gigabytes of DDR3 SDRAM and an nVidia Geforce GTX 770M as well as a 17.3 inch Full HD display.