Trad.Attack! is an Estonian band. The band consists of Sandra Vabarna (torupill, vocals), Jalmar Vabarna (guitar, vocals), and Tõnu Tubli (drums, vocals). They sing in Estonian or Estonian dialects.
Trad.Attack! is an Estonian band. The band consists of Sandra Vabarna (torupill, vocals), Jalmar Vabarna (guitar, vocals), and Tõnu Tubli (drums, vocals). They sing in Estonian or Estonian dialects. (en)
I Trad.Attack! sono un gruppo musicale estone formatosi nel 2013. È formato dai musicisti Sandra Vabarna, Jalmar Vabarna e Tõnu Tubli. (it)
Trad.Attack! is an Estonian band. The band consists of Sandra Vabarna (torupill, vocals), Jalmar Vabarna (guitar, vocals), and Tõnu Tubli (drums, vocals). They sing in Estonian or Estonian dialects. (en)
I Trad.Attack! sono un gruppo musicale estone formatosi nel 2013. È formato dai musicisti Sandra Vabarna, Jalmar Vabarna e Tõnu Tubli. (it)