Twilight is the sixth young adult novel in the Mediator series by Meg Cabot, published by HarperTeen in 2004. In the UK, it was published with the title Heaven Sent. It was the final novel in the series until the publication of Remembrance in 2016.
Twilight is the sixth young adult novel in the Mediator series by Meg Cabot, published by HarperTeen in 2004. In the UK, it was published with the title Heaven Sent. It was the final novel in the series until the publication of Remembrance in 2016. (en)
Twilight é um livro escrito pela autora Meg Cabot e publicado em 2004. É o sexto, e, último livro na série A Mediadora. (pt)
Twilight is the sixth young adult novel in the Mediator series by Meg Cabot, published by HarperTeen in 2004. In the UK, it was published with the title Heaven Sent. It was the final novel in the series until the publication of Remembrance in 2016. (en)
Twilight é um livro escrito pela autora Meg Cabot e publicado em 2004. É o sexto, e, último livro na série A Mediadora. (pt)