| - L'ultra-romantisme (portugais : Ultrarromantismo) est un courant littéraire portugais et brésilien apparu au milieu du XVIIIe siècle inspiré du courant romantique européen, notamment le romantisme allemand et l'œuvre de Lord Byron. (fr)
- O ultrarromantismo foi um movimento literário português e brasileiro que aconteceu na segunda metade do século XIX. (pt)
- Ultra-Romantismo ist ein Terminus, der in der portugiesischen Literaturkritik seit den 1830er Jahren (A. Feliciano de Castilho, Almeida Garrett) benutzt wird, er entspricht in etwa dem Begriff der Schwarzen Romantik der deutschen und englischen Literaturgeschichte. (de)
- Ultra-Romanticism (Portuguese: Ultrarromantismo) was a Portuguese and Brazilian literary movement that took place during the second half of the 19th. Aesthetically similar to (but not exactly the same as) the German- and British-originated Dark Romanticism, it was typified by a tendency to exaggerate the norms and ideals of Romanticism, namely the value of subjectivity, individualism, amorous idealism, nature and the medieval world. The Ultra-Romantics generated literary works of highly contendable quality, some of them being considered as "romance of knife and earthenware bowl", given the succession of bloody crimes that they invariably described, which realists fiercely denounced. (en)
has abstract
| - Ultra-Romantismo ist ein Terminus, der in der portugiesischen Literaturkritik seit den 1830er Jahren (A. Feliciano de Castilho, Almeida Garrett) benutzt wird, er entspricht in etwa dem Begriff der Schwarzen Romantik der deutschen und englischen Literaturgeschichte. Von Teófilo Braga wurde er in die portugiesische Literaturwissenschaft eingeführt und dient nun zur pejorativen Charakterisierung der mediävalisierenden Schauerromantik mit ihren Kastellen, fürchterlichen Schwüren um Mitternacht, grausamen Feudalherren, aber auch Kreuzrittern und Trobadors und unglücklichen Liebenden, die ihre sündige Leidenschaft in klösterlicher Einsamkeit büßen. Wegen seiner Mehrdeutigkeit ist der Begriff in der literaturwissenschaftlichen Praxis, obwohl verbreitet, kaum brauchbar. (de)
- L'ultra-romantisme (portugais : Ultrarromantismo) est un courant littéraire portugais et brésilien apparu au milieu du XVIIIe siècle inspiré du courant romantique européen, notamment le romantisme allemand et l'œuvre de Lord Byron. (fr)
- Ultra-Romanticism (Portuguese: Ultrarromantismo) was a Portuguese and Brazilian literary movement that took place during the second half of the 19th. Aesthetically similar to (but not exactly the same as) the German- and British-originated Dark Romanticism, it was typified by a tendency to exaggerate the norms and ideals of Romanticism, namely the value of subjectivity, individualism, amorous idealism, nature and the medieval world. The Ultra-Romantics generated literary works of highly contendable quality, some of them being considered as "romance of knife and earthenware bowl", given the succession of bloody crimes that they invariably described, which realists fiercely denounced. In Portugal, the first Ultra-Romantic piece ever written was the poem O noivado do sepulcro ("The tombstone engagement") by António Augusto Soares de Passos, while in Brazil the first major Ultra-Romantic works were the books Lira dos Vinte Anos (Twenty-year-old Lyre) and Noite na Taverna (A Night at the Tavern) by Álvares de Azevedo. In Brazil, it is called "the second phase of the Brazilian Romanticism", being preceded by the "Indianism" and succeeded by the "Condorism". (en)
- O ultrarromantismo foi um movimento literário português e brasileiro que aconteceu na segunda metade do século XIX. (pt)