Unstable Fables is a trilogy of computer-animated films produced by The Jim Henson Company in association with Flame Ventures, Prana Studios, and The Weinstein Company. The direct-to-DVD feature-length films are distributed by Genius Products.
Unstable Fables is a trilogy of computer-animated films produced by The Jim Henson Company in association with Flame Ventures, Prana Studios, and The Weinstein Company. The direct-to-DVD feature-length films are distributed by Genius Products. (en)
Unstable Fables (Fábulas instáveis no Brasil e em Portugal) é uma série de filmes de animação produzidos pela Jim Henson Company em associação com a Flame Ventures, Prana Studios, e The Weinstein Company. Os longa-metragens lançados diretamente em DVD são distribuídos pela Genius Products. Os elencos dos filmes incluem Brad Garrett, Jay Leno e Jamie Lynn Spears. (pt)