Vikram is a 1986 Indian Tamil-language action thriller film directed by Rajasekhar and stars Kamal Haasan, Sathyaraj, Amjad Khan, Lissy, Dimple Kapadia, Charuhasan and Janagaraj. This is the first Indian film to use computer for recording the songs and was adapted from a novel of same name written by Sujatha. This was Malayalam film actress, Lissy's Tamil film debut who was initially credited as Preethi as well as Hindi film actress, Dimple Kapadia's Tamil film debut. Although the film opened to mixed reviews, it performed very well at the box office and turned out to be a commercially successful venture for Raaj Kamal Films International, crossing 100 days in theatres. A sequel with the same name was released on 3 June 2022, carrying forward the story with Haasan reprising his role of Age