| - Viz est un périodique de bande dessinée britannique humoristique, parodique et satirique, fondé en 1979 par (en). (fr)
- Viz è una rivista di fumetti pubblicata in Inghilterra a partire dal 1979 e dal 2003 edita da .La rivista viene pubblicata dieci volte all'anno, un numero al mese tranne nei mesi dicembre/gennaio (feste natalizie) e giugno/luglio (periodo estivo) nei quali viene pubblicato un numero bimestrale. (it)
- Viz is a British adult comic magazine founded in 1979 by Chris Donald. It parodies British comics of the post-war period, notably The Beano and The Dandy, but with extensive profanity, toilet humour, black comedy, surreal humour and generally sexual or violent storylines. It also sends up tabloid newspapers, with mockeries of articles and letters pages. It features parody competitions and advertisements for overpriced 'limited edition' tat, as well as obsessions with half-forgotten kitsch celebrities from the 1960s to the 1980s, such as Shakin' Stevens and Rodney Bewes. Occasionally, it satirises current affairs and politicians, but it has no particular political standpoint. (en)
- Viz is een Brits satirisch maandblad, in 1979 opgericht door , met redactie gevestigd in Whitley Bay. In 2012 had het een oplage van iets meer dan 57.000; in 1991 bedroeg de circulatie echter meer dan een miljoen, waardoor het een van de bestverkopende tijdschriften van het Verenigd Koninkrijk was. (nl)