Wanda Wesołowska (born 1950) is a Polish zoologist known for her work with arachnids. Her research focuses on the taxonomy, biology and zoogeography of jumping spiders.
Wanda Wesołowska est une arachnologiste polonaise née en 1950. Diplômée des universités de Poznań et de Wrocław, elle travaille dans cette dernière à l'institut de zoologie. Elle est une spécialiste des Salticidae. (fr)
Wanda Wesołowska (1950) è un'aracnologa polacca, principalmente interessata allo studio faunistico e tassonomico dei ragni della famiglia Salticidae presenti nelle regioni paleartica e afrotropicale. (it)
Wanda Wesołowska (born 1950) is a Polish zoologist known for her work with arachnids. Her research focuses on the taxonomy, biology and zoogeography of jumping spiders. (en)
Wanda Wesołowska (ur. 11 sierpnia 1950 we Włocławku) – polska zoogeograf, arachnolog i ornitolog; opisała ponad 500 nowych gatunków pająków z rodziny skakunowatych. (pl)
Wanda Wesołowska (1950) is een Poolse zoöloog die bekend staat om haar werk met spinachtigen. Haar onderzoek richt zich op de taxonomie, biologie en zoögeografie van springende spinnen. (nl)