| - Watertown (town), New York Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako herri bat da. Jefferson konderrian kokatuta dago, New York estatuan. 4.470 biztanle ditu, 36,1 kilometro koadroko azaleran banatuta. (eu)
- Watertown est une ville située dans le comté de Jefferson, dans l'État de New York, aux États-Unis. En 2010, elle comptait une population de 4 470 habitants. (fr)
- Watertown is a town in Jefferson County, New York, United States. The population was 4,470 at the 2010 census. The town is located in the central part of the county and borders the city of Watertown to the south, east, and west. As the city has a population of 24,685, or six times the town's population, references to "Watertown, New York", usually apply to the city rather than the town. (en)
- Вотертаун (англ. Watertown) — місто (англ. town) в США, в окрузі Джефферсон штату Нью-Йорк. Населення — 4470 осіб (2010). (uk)