| - Das War Propaganda Bureau (WPB, dt.: Kriegspropagandabüro) war eine britische Agentur während des Ersten Weltkrieges. Nach seinem Hauptquartier hieß es bei den Alliierten auch Wellington House. Leiter des WPB war Charles Masterman, Unterhausabgeordneter der Liberal Party. 1917 wurde das WPB vom Department of Information abgelöst, aus dem das Ministry of Information im Crewe House hervorging. (de)
- Le Bureau de la Propagande de Guerre était une commission du Foreign Office chargé, pendant la Première Guerre mondiale de faire basculer les pays neutre en faveur des Alliés. Il siègeait à Wellington House et il a recruté des célébrités littéraires. (fr)
- Wellington House is the more common name for Britain's War Propaganda Bureau, which operated during the First World War from Wellington House, a building on Buckingham Gate, London, which was the headquarters of the National Insurance Commission before the War. The Bureau, which operated under the supervision of the Foreign Office, was mainly directed at foreign targets, including Allied nations and neutral countries, especially (until 1917) the United States. The building itself has since been demolished, and its former site is now occupied by a block of flats. (en)