Wishenpoof! was an animated streaming television series about Bianca, a young fairy girl who grants children's wishes. The series aired for two seasons, from February 5, 2014 to May 9, 2019.
Bianca Zauberkind (Originaltitel: Wishenpoof) ist eine US-amerikanische Animationsserie, die zwischen 2014 und 2017 produziert wurde und auf dem Video-on-Demand-Portal Amazon Video ausgestrahlt wird. (de)
Wishenpoof! was an animated streaming television series about Bianca, a young fairy girl who grants children's wishes. The series aired for two seasons, from February 5, 2014 to May 9, 2019. (en)
Bianca gets upset when a day at the park doesn't go as planned. (en)
When the playground closes down due to a fallen tree that broke the slide, Bianca and her friends must work together to sell lemonade for a new one. (en)