Yurigokoro (ユリゴコロ) is a Japanese drama film directed by , based on Mahokaru Numata's novel of the same name. It stars Yuriko Yoshitaka, Kenichi Matsuyama and Tori Matsuzaka.
Yurigokoro (ユリゴコロ) is a Japanese drama film directed by , based on Mahokaru Numata's novel of the same name. It stars Yuriko Yoshitaka, Kenichi Matsuyama and Tori Matsuzaka. (en)
Yurigokoro (ユリゴコロ) is a Japanese drama film directed by , based on Mahokaru Numata's novel of the same name. It stars Yuriko Yoshitaka, Kenichi Matsuyama and Tori Matsuzaka. (en)