| - Zombie Army Trilogy est un jeu vidéo de tir tactique développé et édité par Rebellion Developments, sorti en 2015 sur Windows, PlayStation 4 et Xbox One. (fr)
- Zombie Army Trilogy (с англ. — «Зомби армия: Трилогия») — компьютерная игра, разработанная и изданная английской компанией Rebellion Developments 6 марта 2015 года. (ru)
- 《僵尸部队三部曲》(英语:Zombie Army Trilogy)是一款由Rebellion Developments制作发行的第三人称战术射击游戏,为狙击精英系列的衍生作品。游戏于2015年3月6日在Microsoft Windows、PlayStation 4和Xbox One平台发布。 三部曲包含《狙击精英:纳粹僵尸部队》、《狙击精英:纳粹僵尸部队2》及其续作,并且将前两部高清化。第三部的主要内容为对抗僵尸化元首率领的军团,游戏的合作模式中有8名人物可供选择,其中4名是新加入的女性角色。2015年8月,游戏将《求生之路》和《求生之路2》的8名角色加入,至此玩家可操作的人物变为16个。游戏包含战役和部落模式,玩家可单独战斗亦可选择与其他玩家合作。 (zh)
- Zombie Army Trilogy (укр. Армія зомбі: Трилогія) — відеогра серії Sniper Elite, розроблена і видана англійською компанією Rebellion Developments 6 березня 2015 року. (uk)
- Zombie Army Trilogy es un videojuego shooter táctico en tercera persona desarrollado y publicado por Rebellion Developments. Es un spin-off de la serie de Sniper Elite, el juego fue lanzado el 6 de marzo de 2015 para Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 y Xbox One. (es)
- Zombie Army Trilogy is a third-person tactical shooter video game developed and published by Rebellion Developments. It is a spin-off to the Sniper Elite series and was released on March 6, 2015, for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. A port for the Nintendo Switch was released on March 31, 2020, in North America and Europe, and in Japan on May 28, 2020. The game takes place in an alternative version of the final days of World War II, with the German army close to defeat. Adolf Hitler deploys a last resort plan to raise the fallen as zombies through occult rituals and turn them against Allied forces, thus causing Germany to become overrun with the undead. (en)
- Zombie Army Trilogy è un videogioco stealth e sparatutto tattico in terza persona (ossia incentrato sulla simulazione di combattimenti realistici), sviluppato e pubblicato da Rebellion Developments. È uno spin-off della serie Sniper Elite, pubblicato il 6 marzo 2015 per Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 e Xbox One. La premessa del gioco è che, in una versione alternativa dei giorni finali della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, con l'esercito tedesco vicino alla sconfitta, Adolf Hitler impiega un ultimo piano per sollevare le sorti del conflitto, resuscitando i caduti come zombie, attraverso rituali occulti, utilizzandoli contro le forze Alleate, così che la Germania riesca a vincere. (it)