The VII 2010 Oceania Badminton Championships was the 7th tournament of the Oceania Badminton Championships. It was held in Invercargill, New Zealand from 24 to 27 February 2010.
The VII 2010 Oceania Badminton Championships was the 7th tournament of the Oceania Badminton Championships. It was held in Invercargill, New Zealand from 24 to 27 February 2010. (en)
Die Badminton-Ozeanienmeisterschaft 2010 fand vom 24. bis zum 27. Februar 2010 in Invercargill (Neuseeland) statt. Es war die 7. Austragung dieser Kontinentalkämpfe im Badminton in Ozeanien. (de)
I Campionati oceaniani di badminton 2010 si sono svolti a Invercargill, in Nuova Zelanda, dal 24 al 27 febbraio 2010. È stata la 7ª edizione del torneo, organizzato dalla . (it)